By Karen Rae, Founder of Balanced Life by Karen Rae® and Creator of The Signature Balanced Life Planner®
In life some things just don’t go as planned, we’ve all had situations that we wished would have happened the way we imagined but for some reason or another they just did not. In those moments we may lose faith, not only in ourselves, but in the way life is unfolding. Being let down or having failure can do that to you, it’s easy to lose hope and even faith in those moments.
The difference between the two is faith is foundational, it’s rooted deep within us and reminds us that good things will come, it surpasses hope. While hope is the most easy to turn to, faith lives deep in the heart and spirit. It can’t always be explained or understood through a single dimension.
Faith is taking that next step when you can’t see the entire hike ahead, it’s the belief that things will get better. To put it simply, life would fizzle if we didn’t have faith.
For some, the concept of faith might be hard to conceive, but if we didn’t have faith how could we fly in an airplane that soars thousands of feet in the air? How would we move from one moment to the next without second guessing every last thing we did? Without faith, we couldn’t comprehend that there are good things coming no matter what the situation might be.
If you’re looking for ways to grow in your faith here are a few that I suggest:
1. Nourish the Soul-
It’s important to keep our bodies healthy and fuel them with the proper nutrients. We don’t feel well when we eat unhealthy foods and when we make healthy food choices, we feel much better! I notice by eating better, staying hydrated and getting movement my body feels that it has more energy and my mind is more clear. We were blessed with these bodies and we should make sure to take care of them. I am responsible for taking care of those in my life and I need to make sure that I have the proper nutrients to live my best life. We are not meant to just go from day to day feeling sluggish and down, so the first step would be to feed your body well, and then feed your mind and soul. We are meant to be healthy, strong, and energized!
2. Trust-
We must trust in our faith. It may seem obvious but at times it can be the hardest to implement. Give your trust, have complete faith, this one is a bit obvious, but sometimes the hardest to execute. We must trust and have complete confidence. It will take away our stress, anxiety, fear, doubt, and worry. Allow your mind to know and trust that your life will be provided with love and abundance.
3. Fill your spiritual tank-
As you know it’s hard to give others your energy when your own tank feels empty. Spreading light and faith to one another is wonderful but if our spiritual tanks are empty then our light becomes dim. Focus on your soul daily by reading a daily devotional or scripture in the morning or evenings, pray, surround yourselves with like minded individuals, have conversations, join a church or life group. As you nourish your soul you will then nourish your relationship with your faith.
4. Pray-
Pray like you mean it! Believe that what you say is being heard and honored. It’s okay to call out for help and rely on our faith, we should do just that! Daily prayer will allow us to establish a deeper connection, relationship and trust. Our faith will grow stronger as we release our prayers. Any form of prayer is okay, formal or informal, as long as we are communicating. Give thanks and pray often.
We must be intentional in our lives, especially with our faith. We must nourish our minds, bodies, and souls regularly. Straying can push us away from our abundant life that we are meant to live. Let’s grow more in our faith and put an end to feeling drained, exhausted, and spiritually empty.
Karen Rae is a lifestyle expert, personal development coach, and Mompreneur based out of St. Petersburg, FL. She’s been featured in Authority Magazine, The Hollywood Times, ABC Live Action News, and on BLOOM, Tampa Bay’s only daily 1-hour TV show focusing on health & lifestyle.
If you’re interested (curious) about how COVID 19 led Karen to take her life back and start inspiring hope and change worldwide read our story at BalancedLifePlanner.com and subscribe to our newsletter to stay connected for inspiration, FREE downloads, exclusive sales, and TIPS on living a balanced life.
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