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Five Essential Areas of Life to Help You Find the Balance You Crave

Writer's picture: KarenRaeBLKarenRaeBL

By Karen Rae, Founder of Balanced Life by Karen Rae® and Creator of The Signature Balanced Life Planner®

Balance is one of the most important things to have in life. Finding and maintaining the right balance in our lives can be incredibly hard to do; however, it is possible when done with proper support and guidance.

As a single mom of two children, a business owner, and otherwise super-multi-tasker, I can tell you balance is essential, sometimes elusive, but it can be done!

To truly find balance in our lives, we must first know where to focus our time and energy. Countless distractions are vying for our attention each day, and it can be easy to lose sight of the most important things.

But, before we can focus on what’s important, we have to figure out where to start. After tirelessly researching this for myself, I’ve found that organizing our life so that it is functional and fun comes down to five core components, the 5 Fundamental Areas of Life. These categories have been carefully chosen and elevated above all else to cut out the clutter and inspire us to make positive changes where it matters most.

By making daily progress towards goals reflected in the Five Fundamental Areas of Life, you can expect to find success in ways you’ve never experienced; you’ll have better relationships, gain more confidence in yourself and begin to live out your life's purpose. So, what are these core elements of a balanced life?


Those who have faith generally lead fun-filled, blessed lives, despite the trials and tribulations along the way. Faith can mean anything (spirituality, oneness, scripture reading, meditation). They are usually very successful but grounded in the principles of life and inspire others to improve in their lives. They typically have a healthy understanding and regard for human life and have the utmost respect for a higher power.

Our faith shows a sincere belief and ultimate trust that something good will eventually happen to make everything well, regardless of the current situations and circumstances. It also means that any passionate goal can be reached, no matter the everyday ups and downs.


Finances affect all areas of our lives. What does your balance sheet look like? Do you have a plan to accumulate enough money to enjoy a comfortable retirement? Are your assets increasing—or have you not taken the time to tend to your finances? The key to financial health is to know that you have enough assets to have options and feel in control. If you find you’re working too much and don’t have all the money you need, something has to be missing in the equation.


How balanced do you feel in your family life? What’s your relationship like with your kids? Your spouse? What about your extended family and parents? Family ties are the most important relationships we have, no matter how busy you are at work. If you give yourself a negative score here, it’s worth taking a break to repair these relationships. Family members are an essential part of your support network, and you’ll miss them the most when you’re at your lowest point in life.


Do you have a strong network of friends? Do you have a group of people you hang out with regularly, maybe for a weekend brunch or a book club? If you don’t, it’s time to start building these relationships. Having people around you that you trust and love are two of the best predictors of longevity. If you’re sacrificing these relationships because you’re working too much, your life is not balanced.


The demands of family, work, and life makes it a challenge to successfully care for our physical and mental health. Since experts say that fitness plays a vital role in overall well-being, we need to find ways to incorporate it into our lifestyle.

Developing wellness and fitness routines that encourage relaxation, decrease stress, and promote physical and mental health benefits everyone. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of self-care and exercise. Finding a guilt-free plan that supports your lifestyle is the key to achieving balance in life.

Planning for these five fundamental areas of life can be meaningful and make a big difference in your life.

Karen Rae is a lifestyle expert, personal development coach, and Mompreneur based out of St. Petersburg, FL. She’s been featured in Authority Magazine, The Hollywood Times, ABC Live Action News, and on BLOOM, Tampa Bay’s only daily 1-hour TV show focusing on health & lifestyle.

If you’re interested (curious) about how COVID 19 led Karen to take her life back and start inspiring hope and change worldwide read our story at and subscribe to our newsletter to receive Karen's FREE TIPS on how to have work-life balance, renew your faith, get and stay fit, improve your relationships, and MORE.

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